Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq


This research aims to clarify the role of art movements in urban aesthetics and to give a clear understanding of the beginnings of their emergence and the features, characteristics and types of these movements and how they affected architecture and the formation of cities through the most prominent pioneers and the most important influences that give a clear vision of these movements and their role. The research deals with artistic movements at the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries and how they contributed to the development of the stages of architecture to build a knowledge background around it to establish an objective base. For this reason, the research came to clarify the impact of this integrative relationship between artistic movements and urban aesthetics within the structure of the urban landscape and to reach a diagnosis of the main research problem (the presence of a knowledge gap about the role of artistic movements in the aesthetic values ​​of cities). To solve this problem, determining the causes requires researching the most important artistic movements and their role in the development of modern architecture.


Main Subjects