Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq.


The concept of urban memory is one of the concepts that has received increasing attention in recent periods as countries race to form their own identity. The existing literature focused on the definition of urban elements in general and how to preserve buildings and exploit their memory to operate the building. Through this, the need for knowledge appears to detail these elements, as the research problem was chosen through (lack of) a clear perception of the role of urban memory elements in reviving the place.  The research goal emerged (exploring and categorizing the urban memory elements first, the criteria for success in reviving the second place, and the levels of the revival process. Through which we can apply this process thirdly, and as a result, the approach consists of several selected stages; first: building the theoretical framework from the keywords that were elected. They are (elements of urban memory, performance standards, activation levels), and their method was determined, and the sample represented in Al-Rasheed Street was selected, where the questionnaire was relied on to add people's memory to the place and represented them in urban elements, and finally the results were discussed at the theoretical and applied levels.


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