

Historical Buildings are result of human thoughts and culture, also Considered that nations have been always known and studied through their culture and civilization, it is reasonable to state that architecture is an important entrance to understand privacy of specific society that have been formed through an interaction among social, economic and other aspects. technology evolved much further than anytime Accordingly, It is clear how crucially important to think in a certain way to deal with those building, to protect, revive and work to improve its sustainability and convenience by using advanced techniques and technologies, also to measure how suitable it is to being preserved by those techniques. Consequently, reaching to a reasonable and clear method to achieve its preservation and to preserve its historical and various properties. As a result, the general axis for the research is identified with: The existence of informative gap in the current method of urban preservation, while the research’s problem is the lack of clarity in the informative knowledge that should be available to achieve the protective preservation (Sustainable) for architectural heritage. Accordingly, that shows the research’s target clearly, that is to identify suitable advanced methods to achieve the protective preservation (Sustainable) for architectural heritage. The research depends on analytic and descriptive method, which includes forming an informative theoretical framework about the historical and heritage architectural buildings, preservation, protective preservation (Sustainable) and to brief most important variables and indications for each term. Accordingly, the research has conducted that preservation of historical and heritage buildings is related to design in the first place, and it is possible for creative thoughts and techniques to vary according to the design vision. And analyzing those thoughts within functional variables, as well as temporal and spatial enriching have shown that whenever taking a decision for a functional change, the new function turns up with clarity and purposely, which comes with a clear program and undergoes to the protective preservation’s terms when preserved and directed. .
