

The infrastructure is an important element in the growth and development of the city;they determine the city optimum size.When the city's infrastructure is efficient the city is efficient, and competitive with other cities, and linked with modern information systems. The infrastructure system of the city, mainly overlap with each other to provide a better human life, so the city must be efficient economically and socially integrated. Environmentally must be capable to protect itself. The concepts of sustainability have many dimensions ,economic, social, and environmental their purpose the human being.Sustainability have emerged in many fields, including infrastructure and relied on the principle of efficiency and economic competition in the provision of infrastructure to the community, to achieve less environmental damage and working to provide natural resources and re- recurrence.
Iraqi cities suffering from inefficiency and the ability of existing infrastructure,and inability to accommodate population and its dependence on traditional unsustainable concepts,therefore suffers from many problems to not rivalry with developments in technology on the one hand, the depletion of natural resources dramatically,and its reliance on traditional methods of outcomes treatment,and lack of fitness with the concept of sustainability and the preservation of resources and increase efficiency and economic capacity. ﺘﻌﯿﺔ .