

Virtual reality technology is the most important techniques reached by the
technological revolution in the last decades of the twentieth century. It had a significant
impact in various fields of life, especially in the field of architecture through the
presentation and realizing the product of architecture,
The improve in technology and virtual reality techniques, including CAVE system
was depend on how to understand the third dimension of space and sense of it. So it was
necessary to keep pace with this development locally in Iraq and try to show its impact on
this evolution in the perception of space and the sense of being part of it.
From here the research problem identified as: (the impact of the cave system
techniques in the perception of space at the local level). The aim of this research was to
show the improvement in receiver perception when the technological developments
taking place in the world of virtual reality.
To achieve this aim the research follows these steps:
• Develop a comprehensive theoretical framework by presentation the most important
factors affected in the receiver perception and the properties of perceived characteristics
of space to identify the most important items that affect the process of cognition and the
characteristics of the cognitive space perceived.
• Creating a local virtual environment experience using a cave system technology, and
applied to an architectural project designed by the researcher in the Department of
Architecture - University of Technology.
• Measure the level of awareness of the recipient when using the cave system
technology that have been created in this research by comparing with the normal
computer screen technology.
The research reach a number of conclusions showing improvement in the performance
of technical CAVE system in the perception of space compared to traditional techniques
the computer screen..
