

The appearance of composite materials and there wide speared use for cladding commercial
buildings in the commercial streets context has an effect on visual unity & attractive for these
streets, form this research problem is that there is no clear and fine percept of the effect using
composite materials (Alucoponed) in cladding commercial buildings in the commercial streets
context on achieve visual unity. And the research hypothesis is (The use of composite materials
Alucoponed reduce visual unity& attractive in commercial streets general context and in the same
time give a visual attractive for single building). the research aims to find the effect of using
composite materials on visual unity concept on the general level (commercial street) and specific
buildings in the general context. And how it effects the visual attraction. The result for this
research is that using composite materials Alucoponed in the commercial streets, With the Varity
of local and non local materials. Those produce unfamiliar architectural language for persons that
effect inactively in achieving visual unity but in the same time effect positively in visual
attractive for single building. Which than contribute positively in economical income for the
owners of these buildings. And that what explain the wide speared in using composite materials
in urban context for commercial streets. The research submits some hypotheses solutions that
may support visual unity for urban scene depending on the analytical discretional approach in
analyzing some selecting examples in the city of Baghdad..