

Increasing the breadth of the phenomenon of slums in the cities has generated a lot of problems between the problems of physical and social, economic, and return multiple problems to the complexity of the causes giving rise between economic and social reasons, cultural, noting that the results have exceeded these aspects to cause a display of environmental pollution of visual pollution, which is one of the most dangerous types of pollution because it is more pronounced and affects the psychological equilibrium and aesthetic for the viewer. Have contributed to the extension of population non-planned, multi-migration to the deterioration of social values and norms and the emergence of social behavior and economic Incorrect either to lack of economic resources or lack of social and cultural awareness of the population to find a physical environment random lacks coherence and harmony and overlapping of the aesthetic with the chaos to form the phenomenon of visual pollution. What matters research is the proliferation of slums and their role in causing the phenomenon of visual pollution in the city lose its character architect planned to highlight cultural identity and replace urban environment random-infested manifestations of overtaking on the laws and zoning regulations, abuse, and additions to non-homogeneous residential buildings with around. .