

The architects recognize the role of environmental elements (specially the daylight) in reach to successful design achieving better user's performance. The daylight goes to the essence of architectural work by helping to inspire the spaces with their shapes, colors, touches and surfaces.
The aim of this research is to determine the fundamental step in daylight design, by measuring the daylight impact on windows. This light is the main source in lighting interior space after it's through the glass panel of window and diffuse in space. So, it's possible to increase interior light level by controlling the external daylight impact on window.
To reach the research's aim, dividing made on the theoretical frame by two steps:
First: Admeasure the amount of sky light impact on window.
Second: Admeasure the effects of outside designing elements added to windows (such as: shadow devices, thickness of external wall and all characteristic surfaces near window), and these elements will perform in two ways:
- Avoiding partial of sky light reach window.
- Reflect some of direct sun light and sky light to window.
The research directed to mathematical method by designing computer program to solve the effect of these design variables. After application the program on different design cases of windows, the research finds that it's possible by choosing the suitable design elements near the window, relative balance will be achieve in lighting level impact on windows in different orientations.
